The MoveOn color palette is a core element of our brand. It is used in the logo, backgrounds, text, illustrations and more.
MoveOn Blue and MoveOn Red are our primary colors and should be the dominant colors defining our brand. These should always be the most prominent colors in the palette as they are the most representative of the brand. One or the other should be included on all communications.
On the homepage, give the petitions in the carousel a background color that matches it’s tone. For messages with a more positive and supportive tone, use a blue background. For messages that are in opposition to a policy, group, or ideology, use a red background.
Please note: Do not mix red and blue in the same communication.
PMS 801C
RGB: 0/171/255
Hex: #00abff
CMYK: 85/0/8/0
MoveOn Blue
Blue is used to show support or solidarity with a message, movement or cause.
PMS 2035C
RGB: 234/28/36
HEX: #ea1c24
CMYK: 0/100/95/0
MoveOn Red
Red is used to show resistance to a policy, group or ideology.
RGB: 0/0/0
Hex: #000
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 178/178/178
Hex: #b2b2b2
CMYK: 0/0/0/30
RGB: 229/245/255
HEX: #e5f5ff
RGB: 153/221/255
HEX: #99ddff
RGB: 0/128/191
HEX: #0080bf
RGB: 0/86/128
HEX: #005680
The Secondary color palette is best used for:
- Buttons, floating action buttons, and button text
- Text fields, cursors, and text selection
- Progress bars
- Selection controls, buttons, and sliders
- Links
High-Level Section (Home)
Mid-Level Section (Petitions Detail)
Detail-Level Section(Modal)
Decreasing Intensity (Color as well as layout and design) ⟶
Increasing Flexibility ⟶
Primary Page
Large fields of color, particularly darker, more saturated colors, should be reserved for the primary pages in the architecture, such as Petitions and Campaigns. Leverage colored backgrounds and full-bleed images to give these sections the weight they deserve.
Secondary and Tertiary Pages
For pages further into the site architecture, such as an individual petition or an informational modal, use white and lighter blues for a more toned-back look. This approach will help keep copy-heavy pages approachable and readable. It will also differentiate them from the core pages of the experience, reinforcing the user’s place in the system.
Which color values should I use?
Pantone® and CMYK values are used for printed materials such as print ads, merchandise, and brochures.
RGB is used for on-screen applications such as video, digital, and mobile.
HEX values are for web use only.
- Do not convert a spot, RGB or CMYK swatch within a design application: use the values outlined above.
- Do not use Pantone Color Bridge to convert to RGB or CMYK values.